From: Schulich Finance Association
Date: October 18, 2022
Subject: SFA Newsletter - 18th October 2022

SFA Newsletter 18th October 2022

Taking Stock

Your weekly review of the finance market.
SFA Newsletter

Good Morning

Reading week prep

With the reading week just at arm's length, we hope everyone is able to keep up with academic activities. SFA stands with all Schulich students at all times. If you feel a need to talk and discuss any matter, we are available.
You can request a 1-on-1 session using this link 

In other updates, this week we launched the SFA Recap - A monthly summary newsletter on LinkedIn. This newsletter will bring together all the articles published by SFA during the month. This month we recapped all the articles from inception till now.

Hope you enjoy everything !!
Tame the market

This week's article is published by Amandeep Dharwal. The new member of the SFA SIF Portfolio share with us details of the ongoing Stock bloodbath. S&P 500 alone eroded investors' wealth by 25% YTD. Recession expectations in the next 12 months are HIGH.

Sounds interesting ??
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SFA Recommends

^^ Recomendation^^ 

Capital IQ.A industry accepted tool for all financial data is avaible for free to all Schulich Students. Learn and use this for your projects and reasearch. Follow the step-by-step guide to register.

Details Found Here

SFA Recap - Tame the Market

A recap of all the great articles by our Director of SIF - Gabriel Perez till September 2022.

Concur Crypto

It's a green week in the middle of Fall for the Crypto market. The Director of Crypto takes us through the Q3 performance of Crypto. Even in the midst of global unrest, crypto continues to maintain strong performance. Are we truly ready to accept crypto as part of our daily life ??

Sounds interesting ?? 
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Event Recording

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SFA Recap - Concur Crypto

A recap of all the great articles by our Director of Crypto - Adam Rosario till September 2022.

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Disclaimer: All contents shared via the newsletter are aimed to foster academic discussions and knowledge sharing. Please do not consider them financial advice.


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