From: Schulich Finance Association
Date: November 14, 2022
Subject: SFA Newsletter - 14 November 2022

SFA Newsletter 14 November 2022

Taking Stock

Your weekly review of the finance market.
SFA Newsletter

Disclaimer: All contents shared via the newsletter are aimed to foster academic discussions and knowledge sharing. Please do not consider them financial advice.

Good Morning!

Winter is Coming! - (probably an out-of-date reference but it still captures the emotion). The first few snowflakes are here and it's time to get your winterwear out if you haven't already. Grab a hot beverage and as you sip, scroll through some news. A lot has happened over the last week in finance - equity and crypto. Time to read.

And if you need us, we are here all the time. We are available if you need to talk and discuss any matter.

Have a Good Week !!
Tame the market

Following the stock markets in the last couple of years has been interesting. Just this Thursday, S&P500 recorded its best single day since April 2020. Reason? - 7.7% Inflation data as released by the US. Why markets reacted the way they did? Are the bulls back? Our Director of SIF carefully lays out his opinion on this in his new article.

Sounds interesting ??
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SFA Recommends

^^ Recomendation^^ 

National Investment Bank Competition- One of the world's largest investment banking completion is here and we cannot recommend it enough. Did we mention it's also given an opportunity to showcase your talent to top-tier investment banks? yeah, that too.

Find out below:

Competition OverviewVideo

Concur Crypto

Cryptocurrencies have had a very volatile year till now. A recent jolt to the space came last week when FTX, world's second-largest crypto exchange firm, filed for bankruptcy. A company valued at $32 billion just a couple of weeks ago, is now bankrupt. Are there any lessons to be drawn? Find out what our Director of Crypto has to say.

Sounds interesting ?? 
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Panel Event: Wealth Management

 is hosting a panel discussion and networking event on 17th November. It is open to all graduate students (current & alum).

Details Here

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